Explore the world with exciting people

God created this beautiful world so that we can explore, it will be a sin not to do it ( Thats what i tell my parents ) . So tag along with me to see this beautiful world as how I see it and as how I feel it

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The Big 3 Decisions you need to make


Choose the place and time

Decide a place and time don’t look back and don’t overthink


Find your team

Think how you want to travel Solo or as a Group . Don’t kill too much time waiting for others , you can do it Alone


Start exploring the world

Doesn’t matter if you are alone or with some group , you will fall hard for the love of travelling

Where I travel

I mostly travel around asia trying to get a bit of everything . Nature , culture , food and also adventure. So I’m someone who will reach every possible corners ( mostly unique ,not so touristy)

What i carry

I like hiking a lot so I always try to carry the bare minimum ( not a minimalist though ) I take photos in my phone and only carry dress which can fit in my small hiking bag.

wuyan cape
Osaka castle
Kuala Lumpur

What you will get from this blog posts ?

I hope you get something useful from here.. haha… I’m not planning to full on go as a informative blog page , I like to add a bit of everything , information my experiences and also my stupid jokes 😃

I don’t want you guys to feel like you are reading a news paper… so that’s what you will get, a bit of everything. Travel details added with fun talks , i hope you guys stick together


Vlogger / Blogger / Traveler

Travel Gallery

Completed Journeys

Summiting highest peak in Taiwan

Standing on top of the highest peak in Taiwan, At that moment in time you are the highest point in Taiwan. join my journey in which i summited the highest point in Taiwan in the harsh winter conditions…

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Beautiful sunsets of Krabi

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Mesmerizing lakes of japan

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Nara deer park

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New Year celebration , Taipei

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Adventures of Jerrys Worlds

Travelling is fun, but adding a bit more adrenaline run in such travels makes it hell of a memory.

Adventures varies on different levels, if you ask me how adventurous I am..? I’m someone who is standing at the shore of a vast ocean. Read more about the adventures in my world…

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A world of Photos

Photos are fascinating, its a way of keeping the memories as still as it is .

I’m not a professional photographer , let me put it out there first.. but mannh… i just love to take photos… These are the glimpse of the world I created mostly using my smartphone camera and some other small cameras
Check them out one by one..

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